Denny's attempt to appeal their food to customer between 18-25 is doing so in a comedic way. With Hollywood stars such as Dave Koechner, Maya Roudolph, Conan O'Brian, and Sarah Silverman have been featured in the show that takes place at a Denny's on Sunset Boulevard. Since the series started in March, they have already reached more than six million views.
The marketing director of Denny's reveals that there is no mention of the restaurant itself until the end of the show. However, it is made quite obvious to its viewers that the show takes place in the family diner.
It seems that Denny's has decided to flaunt it's 24 hour a day food supply to college aged students. Perhaps they have realized that their locations may be relatively close to college campuses and local bars and are trying to appeal to this age group for a great place for a late night snack.
How do you think this new series will affect the business at Denny's? Will the attempt to appeal to a younger crowd work?