Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gap-Toothed Smile Makes A Mark.

Lara Stone for Mercedes Benz
Modeling is made to seem like all models have perfect hair, body, face, teeth; perfect everything.  Little girls idolize models and wish nothing more than to be like them when they grow up.  They do anything they can to look just like the women on television or in magazines.  Lately however, fashion experts are starting to admit that the "cookie cutter" beauty is failing to stand out anymore.  Gap-toothed models are becoming a norm more recently.  

While some may look at gap-teeth as a flaw, many people are starting to warm up to them.  Meaning a mark of fortune, gap-teeth are slowly taking over the modeling world- for now.  Fashion experts also throw caution to gap-toothed models for the sake that they may just be a temporary phenomenon.  Although most are fans of the gap-teeth, experts say that the fashion would needed a break from the "cookie cutter" to show that even flaws may be perfections.

Do you think this gap-toothed phenomenon will soon be a thing of the past? or will it stick around and make a name for itself?

In Response to Jaycelyn's MTV Post

Did MTV make a good switch in entertainment? How does their logo and new sense of diversity tie into the millennial generation?
With the changing social interests with today's reality show junkies, MTV has done exactly what they should have.  Reality T.V. has taken over all television ratings whether it's Jersey Shore or American Idol.  If MTV were to remain focused on music videos, the company would be likely to shut down because that is not obtaining the same audience.  Even though a majority of MTV's reality shows are staged it is still what is making the company millions.  Not only has this change benefited viewers, it's also benefited MTV itself.  By focusing on the reality show crowd the company has been able to make more profit by producing original shows instead of buying the rights to music videos.

By changing the logo, the company has made a subtle gesture that they are now more than pure music entertainment.  By taking the music television out of the logo, it is an opportunity for non viewers to quickly become viewers. 

One thing that does come to mind when I think of the changes on MTV is what perceptions of a "perfect life" are younger children getting?  While I was growing up, the most influence MTV had on me was if N*sync or Backstreet boy's were number 1.  Today, Children are being influenced by bar fights, domestic violence, binge drinking and how to dress.  Do you think that MTV may cause a problem for teenagers and children?